
Saturday 1 February 2014

Face Mapping

The first step to achieve clear skin is to know what areas of your face you are getting spots or acne. 
Did you know your face is an indication to how your body is in the inside?
Well if you didn't I will be telling you today what each area of your face is an indication for. After learning about face mapping I would recommend for you to do further research in how you can prevent spots on a certain area.

Area 1 and 2: This area represents the Digestive System, if you have high amounts of fats in your diet you would be more likely to breakout in this area. If this is the cause for you I recommend drinking lots of water (8 glasses) and green tea. However we cant just blame your diet for this their are also other factors such as hygiene such as if you have a fringe sometimes if you don't wash your hair enough or dirty caps or hats etc.

Area 3: The area between your eyebrows represents the Liver. If you have spots in this area it can be due to consuming too much dairy or alcohol.

Area 4,5,7 and 8: This area represents the Kidneys. If you tend to have spots in these areas  it could be due to dehydration. Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day your body will thank you and the results would be visible!

Area 9 and 10: The Respiratory System. You would be most likely to break out in these areas if you have allergies or you are a smoker. Try to go out out for a walk as you would be breathing in fresh air which would help your skin. 
Getting spots on your cheek may also be because of too much meat, dairy and sugary foods and also makeup brushes which a lot of people don't think about remember to wash your makeup brushes. Some people say to wash your brushes once a month is fine but i like to do it every fortnight just to be on the safe side.

Area 6: The Heart . This could be due to lack of protein and vitamin B and nutrients, having more fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. may just be the solution.

Area 11 and 12: Hormones. Now for many women especially teenage girls it would be common to get a few spots in these areas here and now. This could be because of stress or an imbalance of hormones. You may tend to get spots here during you periods too.

Area 13: Stomach. If you tend to have a lot of rich and heavy foods in your diet you may tend to get spots in the chin area. Simply having much healthier meals and drinking glasses of water may prevent this. 

Now if you are a teenager you don't need to worry about getting spots it's very normal especially on your nose, T-zone (between eyebrows) and across your cheek. However we can try an prevent this by making sure we eat the right kinds of foods and stay hydrated. Also exercising would give your skin that glowing effect.

I will also be posting products that I use when my skin does break out soon. So don't forget to keep checking my blog and feel free to comment, I would love to hear what you have got to say :)